阿登山市有9个城市.6平方英里,人口近10人,000居民, 3,200多户和11多户,000名员工.
Residents are well-educated with nearly 60% having earned a bachelor's degree or graduate-level degree. Median household income for 2016 was approximately $92,000.
阿登山市有9个城市.6平方英里,人口近10人,000居民, 3,200多户和11多户,000名员工.
Residents are well-educated with nearly 60% having earned a bachelor's degree or graduate-level degree. Median household income for 2016 was approximately $92,000.
The 对外开放 program provides direct technical assistance and other forms of support to small business owners and entrepreneurs...
路易斯·门多萨,《商业开放 路易斯·门多萨•对企业开放
BizRecycling is a program to help businesses in Ramsey 县 and Washington 县 start, 扩大, 改善, 管理商业回收,...
商业回收,拉姆齐/华盛顿回收 & 能源 拉姆齐/华盛顿回收 & 能源
CEO Next 业务 Institue is about cultivating home-grown businesses in Ramsey 县 by providing a suite of high-end, 业务高速增长...
里克·豪登,爱博体育手机版下载 里克·豪登•爱博体育手机版下载
小型企业资源, 扩大业务和创造就业机会
Ramsey 县 recognizes the need to transform contaminated property into viable use. Re-use of existing sites can increase development costs...
里克·豪登,爱博体育手机版下载 里克·豪登•爱博体育手机版下载
拨款及资助; 重建
物业评估清洁能源(PACE) is an innovative finance solution for building owners interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy...
皮特·克莱因,圣保罗港务局 Pete Klein•圣保罗港务局
拨款及资助; 绿色节能
The Minnesota Department of Employment and 经济发展 (DEED) will oversee the Convention Center Relief Grant (CCRG) Program. 这个临时...
The Minnesota Department of Employment and 经济发展 (DEED) will oversee the Movie Theater Relief Grant Program. 这个临时程序...
This program helps communities pay for assessing and cleaning up contaminated sites for redevelopment. 该方案协助发展当局...
社区融资; 重建
This program provides sales tax exemptions that build or refurbish data centers. 20年的销售税免税适用于...
税收抵免和优惠; 扩大业务和创造就业机会
The Angel Loan Fund (ALF) Program provides an additional funding option for businesses that are certified to participate in Minnesota’s...
企业融资契约; 扩大业务和创造就业机会; 创业
这个项目 supports the growth of businesses owned and operated by minorities, 低收入的人, 女性, 退伍军人和/或残疾人. ...
企业融资契约; 创业
This program focuses on job creation and retention through the growth of new innovative businesses and organizations. 这个项目...
社区融资; 扩大业务和创造就业机会
This program provides up to $1 million in financing to help add new workers and retain high-quality 工作. 这个项目...
企业融资契约; 扩大业务和创造就业机会
This program provides financial incentives to new and 扩大ing businesses that meet certain job creation and capital investment targets. ...
企业融资契约; 扩大业务和创造就业机会
This program provides loans to companies that are affected when certain employees are called to active military duty. 它还...
企业融资契约; 扩大业务和创造就业机会
Summary of Program: This program provides a 80% loan guarantee for loans up to $250,由一个合格的经济师制造...
This program supports the development of Native American- owned and operated businesses and promotes economic opportunities for Native American people...
企业融资契约; 扩大业务和创造就业机会
This program helps communities with the costs of redeveloping blighted industrial, residential or commercial sites and putting land back into...
社区融资; 重建
This program certifies that sites have already completed the most time-consuming technical and regulatory aspects of development including: planning, 分区,...
社区融资; 扩大业务和创造就业机会; 重建
TEDI is a competitive grant program available to communities for public infrastructure and road projects that create 工作, 支持经济...
社区融资; 扩大业务和创造就业机会
Summary of Program: The Shared Work program offers an alternative to layoffs for employers facing a temporary downturn in business...
Please note: With the additional funding provided by the new COVID-19 relief package, SBA将恢复处理EIDL贷款...
能源 is increasingly a major operating expense at all types and sizes of businesses. 能源智能帮助你成长...
Summary of Program: The Employee Retention Credit is a refundable tax credit against certain employment taxes equal to 50 percent...
The Livable 社区 Demonstration Account (LCDA) funds innovative (re)development projects that efficiently link housing, 工作, 服务和运输的努力...
汉娜·加里,市议会 汉娜·加里•大都会委员会
拨款及资助; 重建
Lender Match is a free online referral tool that connects small businesses with participating SBA-approved lenders.
拨款及资助; 小型企业资源
TBRA提供 $5 million annually to investigate and clean up brownfields (contaminated land, 地下水, (或建筑物)重建. TBRA提供...
马库斯·马丁,市议会 马库斯·马丁•大都会议会
拨款及资助; 重建