
作为明尼苏达州的第一个度假小镇, 白熊湖 is the ideal place to live, play and do business in the Twin Cities. There is a palpable sense of civic pride, 通过该地区高水平的社区参与和众多志愿者的推动来证明, 社会, business and civic organizations and associations. Named Minnesota Monthly Magazine’s 2018 Best Minnesota Town, 白熊湖是一个区域性的娱乐中心,以其繁华的市中心零售区而闻名, beautiful lake views and engaging cultural and recreational activities. Conveniently located near the urban hubs of 圣保罗 and 明尼阿波里斯市, 商业社区得益于便捷的区域交通系统,因为该市位于两条州际走廊上,可以通过明尼苏达商业铁路进入区域铁路网.

白熊湖区学区是该州的典范,并因其富有远见的职业道路模式而受到越来越多的全国认可, 为该地区的学生在高要求的职业生涯中取得未来的经济成功做好准备,同时与当地企业携手合作,确保有一支熟练的劳动力队伍来满足他们当前和未来的劳动力需求. In addition to a well-respected public school system, 白熊湖 is home to private schools, 特许学校和世纪学院. A well-regarded innovator in education and career preparation, Century College is a two-year community and technical college serving more than 21,000 credit and non-credit students each year. The college boasts a STEM pathway program, 最先进的Fab Lab, 是明尼苏达州唯一的矫形/假肢项目,也是唯一一个参与州联盟的大都市地区学院,提供可再生能源应用科学副学士学位.
